A very big thank you to Linda Anderson for putting this AMAZING SWAP n HOP on!!!
Today is the big day and although I had a few technical difficulties in getting my pictures loaded, I am happy to reveal all of the wonderful pretties I made from the beads I received from Kristina Peck. Here are the beads she sent me along with the ones I send her.

Go over to her blog link and check out all of the awesome items she has made with some of these beads.
So, I have to admit that this swap was a bit of a challenge for me as I haven't made much jewelry in about a year, with work and now going back to college to get my Associates Degree. Busy, Busy, Busy!
The first item I tackled was to make the this necklace with the beautiful custom made beads Kristina send me. I know she purchased them from another artist, but I am now sure of their name. They are beautiful. I used some of my crystal beads and metal findings from my stash to completed the rest along with a pair of earrings to match. I really thought this was going to be harder to design because I don't use a lot of larger focal beads in my jewelry pieces. Once I got started everything just flowed together.
The next item I put together was this adorable three strand bracelet. I used almost everything that Kristina sent me for this item. I really needed to make something that will help it feel more like spring.
I had a few leaves left and had to continue with the spring theme by added in some flowers to make this sweet and simple toggle cluster.
I still have the pearls, and some of the other beads left to make a few more items out of. This challenge has really helped me get back into what I enjoy the most. Designing and Creating!!!
Thank you for checking out my designs and attending this years Swap n' Hop. Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think.
Here are links to the other AWESOME designer for you to check out.
Non Seed Beaders
Jeanne Parker http://www.instagram.com/silverwoodstudio
Fay Wolfenden http://beadsbitsbaubles.blogspot.com
Teri Del Signore http://instagram.com/artisticaos_studio
Natalie Davidson http://www.northshoredays.com/
Tammy Adams http://www.paisleylizard.com/blog/
Shai Williams http://www.shaihasramblings.com/
Rozantia Petkova http://bairozan.blogspot.com/
Kari Asbury https://www.facebook.com/kariasburyjewelry/
Sarah Reid http://www.instagram.com/sarahreiddesigns
Robin Reed http://www.facebook.com/artistryhcbd
Divya N http://www.jewelsofsayuri.com
Samantha Jones https://www.facebook.com/Arm-Candy-by-Sam-1735179996705639/
Andrea Frank https://www.instagram.com/andreazeef/
Inge von Roos https://ingetraud.wordpress.com
Lois Sherwood http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps.
Valarie Dunsmore http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps.
Marde Lowe http://www.instagram.com/mardel1947
Raquel Rosario http://facebook.com/seaglassparadisetreasures
Gloria Allen https://www.facebook.com/GloriaAllenDesigns
Leah Schneider http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps
Cheri Mitchell-Reed https://www.facebook.com/creativedesignsbycheri
Kathy Lindemer https://bay-moon-design.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Strehler http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps
Terry Jeanette Carter https://tappingflamingo.blogspot.com
Cynthia O'Toole https://www.facebook.com/Sparkles-and-Sweets-211404598956160/
Christina Hickman https://www.instagram.com/laughingsalmon/
Cindy Peterson https://www.facebook.com/howlingdogjewelry
Hope Smitherman http://CraftyHope.com
Bonnie Robbins https://www.instagram.com/brobbins_wireandwonder/
Sarah Auerbach http://www.jewelrybecause.com
Catherine La Vite http://drygulchbeadsandjewelry.blogspot.com/
Nadine Edris https://www.facebook.com/moondancejewelrymaine/
Michelle Marson https://www.instagram.com/ellecountry/
Kristina Peck https://tealeavesandtinyhats.blogspot.com
Seed Beaders
Dora Oresic https://m.facebook.com/nakitich/
Krafty Max http://www.kraftymax.net
Susanne Stelljes https://www.facebook.com/sbeadz/
Penny Houghton https://www.instagram.com/forgottentrack/
Naomi Knafla https://www.instagram.com/naomiknafla/
Heather Faaborg https://www.facebook.com/heather.faaborg
Marcy Roll http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadPeeps
Renetha Stanziano https://lamplightcrafts.blogspot.com/
Dain Schlegel http://www.facebook.com/daintydesignsco
Tina Hemr http://instagram.com/mariecaroldesigns
Kelly Rodgers http://beadinblacknblue.blogspot.com
Shannon Luthy https://www.facebook.com/BeYoutifulBeads207/
Marianne Baxter http://www.facebook.com/groups/beadpeeps
Heather Canepa http://www.instagram.com/canepaheather
Sue Wagner https://www.facebook.com/SueZeeBracelets/
Deborah Apodaca http://www.deborahapodacadesigns.blogspot.com
Barbara Harbuck http://ww.facebopk.com/groups/beadPeeps